Monday, March 28, 2011


Wait one second, let me take you back............

Ah, wasn't that nice?

Now, I said "let me take you back" because for most people, hearing that oh so familiar harmonica tune brings back memories from the late 80's-early 90's.

I, on the other hand, just completed the last episode of the last season, TODAY after watching the entire Roseanne series in order for the last month or so.
[yes....that is what I do with my free time]

Now, I get caught up in shows fairly easily I suppose, but this show truly was great.
The humor, satire, empathy, and....pure envy totally sucked me in.
NOT TO MENTION the very talented individuals that were casted in the show the whole series! (except for becky...which is a story of it's own)
[but they're Beckys, nearly identical Beckys all the do do]

I mean Mr. John Goodman to play Dan Conner? Best idea ever.

And the musicality of the show is just amazing. I mean, every person who grew up in that era doesn't think of Roseanne whenever they hear the blues for nothing.

Let's face it, its legendary.

It's a time capsule of the 90's.

It's "blue collar" genius. And I loved every minute of it...and trust me, my head is still spinning from the ending.

My favorite Episodes:
3. Season 8, Episode 17 "We're going to Disney World"- The Conner's get a large sum of money, and decide to take their first family vacation. They are overwhelmed with the "Ritz life" of Disney hotels, and fine dining.
2. The episode (cant find season/episode at the moment, i think season 8 or 7) where John Popper, from the Blues Traveler, Dan's now famous old band mate, comes to town to play and invites Dan to come up and sing. He does a stunning job.
You can hear Dan sing here  (skip to 0:35)
I highly suggest you check it out.
Plus, what better ending is there than this.... (skip to 0:35) He is so amazing!
Annnndd my very most favorite episode, because it is absolutely HILARIOUS is....
1. Season 6 "A Stash from the Past" where Dan and Roseanne Conner find their old weed from the 70's. They smoke the stash and proceed to trip out in their bathroom. It is so very funny.

Oh Roseanne, you have brought more joy than words can explain
and you have helped me find my inner "woman power" haha
And if you happen to be a Roseanne hater out there.....well then, as Roseanne Conner, said

"I'll snap your spine like a potato chip, Bitch!" 

I am also proud to put another show, that I have watched every single episode of, under my belt.
Other show's I have completed:
Wild Boys
Prison Break
Weeds (to current)
Dexter (to current)
Breaking Bad (to current)
John & Kate Plus 8
Secret Life of the American Teenager (to current) [i know i know, don't judge]
Little People Big World
Dead Like Me (super amazing btw)
My Name is Earl (priceless)

**Disclaimer** Jason has never admitted to, or hinted at enjoying all of these shows at any point and time.


  1. haha that was great - you're right Dan did a great job on that song, didn't know he could sing. I need to watch more of those shows!

  2. Oh poo I just read your post on google reader and it's gone??? Where'd it go?

    Yes I have days like those. Actually I had a couple months just like those. I told my sister that I felt like flipping everyone off as I drop by in my car for a while there. I don't know why I felt this way. I felt better for a long time, then went through the phase again. . .oy. Why does it happen? Not sure.

    I'm not happy you're having that feeling, but I'm glad to know it's not just me. :)

  3. AH, I just re-posted it, I don't know what happened haha here it is

    I'm glad to hear other's feel the same way I do haha I feel like I just ball up so much frustration and it explodes at one time.
