Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is something people revolve their life around. When breaking down the principles of a human and their feelings, it consists of what they do, what they love, and what they fear.
Some people construct their entire lives around what they fear, while others fear very little.
When first thinking in depth about fear, I though it was stupid, worthless, and a way for people to make excuses out of anything. I see now that I was very wrong. When I looked into it more, I found that fear is powerful, wild, and very important to each individual's life.
Fear, if used correctly, can bring out a side of someone that is passionate, strong, and alive.
When you look into the eyes of someone who just overcame a fear, there is more life in them than usual. They just did something they thought they could never do. They are a stronger person.
Fear isn't the enemy, being too afraid is.
Fear challenges you to live on the edge. Being too afraid leads you to turn your back on fear, and give up.
I have always been one who doesn't have many fears, but the fears I do have run strong through me.
I thought I could never face them, and in turn tried to ignore their ever existence, but it is time for that to come to an end.  I am at a point in my life where my fear's could be a major road block if I don't face them, so it's time to man up. It is going to be hard, but more than worth it in the end.
I have also always been one to thrive on fear. A scary movie or fearful situation, although hard at first, it makes my blood pump and I always feel good afterwards.
There is not a fear in the world I can't work my way through.
I have the most supportive husband in the world, so that on days when I feel it's impossible, he can help push me through it.
My fears: IV's, needles, fire, certain insects
It is time to approach you face to face.
Right now a clean cold needle going into soft warm skin makes me want to curl up like a scared spider, but not for long. After all it's just a needle right? I have experienced things that hurt much worse. It's all mental.
I will win.
What are your fears? and have you chosen to leave them in the shadows, or face them up front?

Monday, August 2, 2010

and the waves slowly crashed into the sand.

Well....The wedding is over. And it was fabulous by the way...but a wedding blog is soon to come. 
Anyhoo, the wedding is over so I can no longer put things off. No longer will I put off cleaning/organizing the house, thank you cards, articles, organizing the computer, finishing Red Dead Redemption, playing the guitar....

but most of all, as promised, no more putting off the Craft Blog. dun dun dun. 

So I will start it off with a super simple craft. A decoration for a beach themed home, or a summer holiday. An item that portrays a calm, collect, and relaxed mood.....

The Mason Jar Lights

Hot glue gun
Glue sticks
Mason Jars
Small candles
Long lighter

1. Locate your mason jars of choice and thoroughly clean them out. Allow the jars to completely dry. I chose to use blue jars. 
2. Unscrew the lid and set it aside. Cover the bottom of a candle with hot glue and immediately press it on the inside bottom of the jar. Hold the candle in place until it is dry. This size of candle works great, tea lights tend to not burn very well inside the mason jar. 

3. Place large and colorful shells inside the mason jar around the candles.

4. Fill in the remaining space with sand and small shells. Whether it is sand that you collected, or bought from the store, they both have the same affect. 
5.Wrap a thin wire around the neck of the jar, and add a large loop to hang it from something (a tree, the porch, etc.)
6. Light the candle with a long lighter (campfire lighter works best) and allow the wax to melt like the waves into the sand. 
And the final product (minus the large shells)

This was one of the jars at our wedding.
photo by Logan Brumm

Check in again soon for the wedding/honeymoon blog. Lots of pictures to come!