Thursday, December 2, 2010

Live and Learn

Live and Learn, it is a phrase that is heard over and over again, but it is obvious many people don't really LISTEN to it.

It makes sense: You learn from your mistakes, your adventures, and as you grow older.

But yet, it's the end of the world if something does not go someone's way. (myself included)

I think it is important to truly understand how to live and learn, and not take things too personally. I am still working on it.

I was re-reading some of the first posts on this blog which made me want to:
1. Bang my head into the keyboard.
2. Go through all the posts and fix ALL my incorrect grammar. (I still have incorrect grammar, but not THAT bad)
3. Spend a few hours revising each post, so they made more sense, were more clear, and were...well...just better.

But then I realized how ridiculous that was and that the blog really showed how much I have grown (which isn't THAT much....but still). I have written a lot of articles, and personal things since I started this blog and it is interesting to see how my writing has changed.

Also, recently I was tearing myself apart about not knowing what I want to do with my life. "Wow, I graduated from college and have NO IDEA what I want to do in life" I said. Jason patiently told me over and over that I'm only 21, and I shouldn't even be thinking about these things. It took me a while to realize just how right he was.

Now this doesn't mean, be a super slacker and lay around doing nothing every day. You should be trying things out and exploring to help yourself along the road called life. But it is nothing to fret over, you will figure it out in time.

And then I came across this picture.....

Which them reminded me of my favorite inspirational song/video/speech ever! I heard it for the first time when I was about 10 or 12 or so on one of my mom's random c.d's on a road trip. Every time I am getting down about things, this song finds a way to resurface in my life, and I love it to pieces. So much in fact....That I will post it on here. I do hope that you watch it. I will post the lyrics too at the very end of this post. (because it is that good)

My PERSONAL advise for the day is........

so in and learn...but mostly, just LIVE!

Video Lyrics:

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99 
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be 
it. The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by 
scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable 
than my own meandering 
experience…I will dispense this advice now. Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not 
understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. 
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and 
recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before 
you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you 
imagine. Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as 
effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing 
bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that 
never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm 
on some idle Tuesday. Do one thing everyday that scares you Sing Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with 
people who are reckless with yours. Floss Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes 
you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with 
yourself. Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you 
succeed in doing this, tell me how. Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements. Stretch Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your 
life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they 
wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year 
olds I know still don’t. Get plenty of calcium. Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone. Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children,maybe 
you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky 
chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t 
congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your 
choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s. Enjoy your body, 
use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people 
think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever 
own.. Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room. Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them. Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly. Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for 
good. Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the 
people most likely to stick with you in the future. Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you 
should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and 
lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you 
knew when you were young. Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live 
in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft. Travel. Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will 
philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize 
that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were 
noble and children respected their elders. Respect your elders. Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, 
maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one 
might run out. Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will 
look 85. Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who 
supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of 
fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the 
ugly parts and recycling it for more than 
it’s worth. But trust me on the sunscreen…

Monday, November 29, 2010

A New Semester

Many people measure their lives by semesters. 
"Ah, i'll do it next semester"
"I can hang out more after this semester"
"I can't wait till Fall semester is over, so that I can start Spring semester and have warmer weather" 
"A few more weeks left in this semester and then FREEDOM...and then we start next semester"

Of course, you only really think in these terms if you are a college student, or *sometimes* a strict high school student of some crazy sort. The rest of the world goes on living month to month, season to season. Enjoying random Tuesdays, President's day's, and other things that normal people enjoy....I wouldn't really know.

So speaking of semester, I always find myself being Mrs. Organized right before a semester starts. I have all my books ordered, my papers straightened out in a binder, my bike tuned up, and I'm ready to roll. 

This of course only lasts for about a week. (excluding the weekend)

After that week: my books are out of stock at one place, and I forget to reorder them else where, papers get thrown in the car, dance bag, backpack, purse, OR (if i'm lucky) loosely in the binder, I decide to ride my bike in flip flops down the icy roads of Flagstaff causing my foot to get stuck under a pedal and break my toe which THEN leads to my bike sitting outside and the seat gets ruined/stolen, I stop reading the assigned chapters/readings. Basically all hell breaks loose, and I find myself desperately trying not to drown in the havoc, and longingly await next semester where I swear things will be different.

BUT NOT THIS SEMESTER!! This semester will go according to plan. (maybe)

And I wish you all a fabulous (end of Fall/beginning of Spring) semester as well, whether or not your organization skills are similar to mine.

Now some of you (and by some I mean the 1 1/2 people who read this blog) might be thinking "Wait?.....Didn't you just graduate, like the semester before last?" (see what I did there.... :D)

and the answer is: Yes! I did indeed graduate the semester before last, and there is yet another semester before me. For what? Only time will tell....'tis a mystery. 

speaking of "tis"

'tis the season I suppose...and our tree is up! But without the star because I am unable to find an extension cord. epic fail.

Monday, November 1, 2010


In 'The School of Education' you constantly hear the word "re-assess". 
If you're falling behind in you lesson plans this week.... RE-ASSESS!
If the agenda for a child planned at the IEP meeting isn't working.....RE-ASSESS!
If you are teaching a math lesson and children are staring at you blankly........RE-ASSESS!

If none of this is making any sense to you, I will put it into different terms. 

Your plan to stick up to the bully at school and speak you mind lands you in a trash can.......RE-ASSESS!
No one comments on your obvious new hair style.....RE-ASSESS!
You tell your dog to "sit" and he jumps up and licks your face........RE-ASSESS!

okay, you get the point......
So to re-assess means to revise something. To go back, and redo it. Reteach it, edit it, or....scrap it and it's back to the drawing board, because obviously it is not working out as well as you planned.

I think it is time to re-assess some things in my life. 

On another note...I have a little something to share. It is something I have been working on a little bit. It is no where near what I want it to be yet. It needs A LOT of editing....revising....maybe its time to re-assess? just kidding. enjoy:

I walked in by myself with my tight gray t-shirt and converse and looked for someone I knew. The crowd was thick but I managed to spot the skinny soccer girl from my calculus class sitting near the front row. She was pretty cool, definitely the person I talked to the most in that class, so I headed that way. I didn’t notice who she was sitting with until I was almost right by her. It was too late to turn around, she already saw me. Time slowed down and my heart pounded harder in my chest. People in the bleachers were constantly standing up and down to cheer for their son, or boyfriend, or wanna be boyfriend, but they were all a blur to me.
“Hey Miles, how’s it going” calculus girl said with her smirk smile. I couldn’t quite remember her name.
I didn’t respond for what seemed like ages. I was still breathless, like someone had punched me in the stomach. The half time buzzer brought me back to reality.
“Hey. It’s good I think” I eventually responded
“You think? Ha ha! Oh this is my friend Kira”
I know. I know that is Kira. Fuck. I had legitimately put her in the back of my mind, but it was all coming back now. Why? Why was she here at our school watching our basketball game? I was pretty sure she didn’t even go here, or I would have seen her by now for sure. At first I thought maybe she was a new kid or something, but I hadn’t seen her around at all. And now she is with calculus girl?! Seriously the widest variety of friends I have ever seen.
“Yea we’ve met” Kira said without looking away from the court, even though the basketball players were now filing off into the locker room. She seemed concerned.
“Really? How did you guys meet? I met Kira up on the mountain last winter” Calculus girl said sort of directed at me. Her name's Shelly I was pretty sure.
“Uh…..well we met at a concert. Kira was with these two girls that go to West Point. I know them from other concerts and such” My voice trailed, Kira still hadn’t looked up. She hated me, I figured.
I sat down next to Shelly. We talked a bit about our recent homework assignment while Kira sat there saying nothing. She had moved her concentration to writing some phrase on the side of her shoe in small letters and black ink. Eventually a couple other girls that I knew Shelly was friends with from the soccer team came over. I moved to the bench below everyone and scooted over a little so they could sit by her. The second half of the game was already into full swing and I pretended to be interested. Kira slid down to the bleacher I was sitting on and scooted closer to me. She sat there for a few silent seconds then looked at me.
“Wanna go get nachos?” she said still seeming kind of off.
“Sure” I replied
“We’ll be right back” she said to Shelly as we were already walking away.
“Okay!” she yelled back in her peppy voice.
We didn’t say anything while walking up to the snack bar line. I felt like it was the green mile. I had this feeling in my stomach that I thought would slowly eat away my insides and my face was probably on fire.
“Like jalapeños?” she asked before the lady scooped the biggest spoonful of them I had ever seen on top of our nachos.
“What? Uh..Yea, I love them” I replied
“Good” she took the nachos and paid. She started walking toward the double doors instead of the gymnasium.  “Let’s go for a walk”

Don't be too harsh...but tell me what you think!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Living the Dream

You always hear about people and their dreams. 
The barista with a dream to open his own shop. 
The book worm with a dream of a full ride to Yale. 
The teen mom with a dream of an un-broken family, 
or the business man with the dream of the Red Sox winning the World series (which is a stupid dream in my opinion). 
And sometimes those people's dreams come true leaving them saying "i'm living a dream". But that doesn't really happen, does it?
Indeed it does! 
Growing up, I always had one (and only one) dream in mind. It was all I could think about at all times, and everyone knew it.
 It wasn't to graduate college (which I busted out anyway)
It wasn't to get married (which was the best thing that ever happened to me)
It wasn't to have kids, or an adorable little puppy (okay maybe the puppy thing a little bit :) )
But my ultimate dream WAS to be a resident of California, and specifically, Southern California. 
So now, thanks to my awesome husband, we live in San Diego, California and (I can proudly say) my Governor is Arnold Schwarzenegger. 
If that's not the coolest thing since digital camera's, I don't know what is.
Although my dreams have changed vastly over the years, I still have always had that passion for the 'sunshine state', 'America's finest city', or 'the land of milk and honey'.
So I guess you could say that....
I'm living the dream 

now to unpack, find a job, get settled, learn the area, learn the new laws, change all the state legal stuff......on and on.....

Sunday, August 15, 2010


It is something people revolve their life around. When breaking down the principles of a human and their feelings, it consists of what they do, what they love, and what they fear.
Some people construct their entire lives around what they fear, while others fear very little.
When first thinking in depth about fear, I though it was stupid, worthless, and a way for people to make excuses out of anything. I see now that I was very wrong. When I looked into it more, I found that fear is powerful, wild, and very important to each individual's life.
Fear, if used correctly, can bring out a side of someone that is passionate, strong, and alive.
When you look into the eyes of someone who just overcame a fear, there is more life in them than usual. They just did something they thought they could never do. They are a stronger person.
Fear isn't the enemy, being too afraid is.
Fear challenges you to live on the edge. Being too afraid leads you to turn your back on fear, and give up.
I have always been one who doesn't have many fears, but the fears I do have run strong through me.
I thought I could never face them, and in turn tried to ignore their ever existence, but it is time for that to come to an end.  I am at a point in my life where my fear's could be a major road block if I don't face them, so it's time to man up. It is going to be hard, but more than worth it in the end.
I have also always been one to thrive on fear. A scary movie or fearful situation, although hard at first, it makes my blood pump and I always feel good afterwards.
There is not a fear in the world I can't work my way through.
I have the most supportive husband in the world, so that on days when I feel it's impossible, he can help push me through it.
My fears: IV's, needles, fire, certain insects
It is time to approach you face to face.
Right now a clean cold needle going into soft warm skin makes me want to curl up like a scared spider, but not for long. After all it's just a needle right? I have experienced things that hurt much worse. It's all mental.
I will win.
What are your fears? and have you chosen to leave them in the shadows, or face them up front?

Monday, August 2, 2010

and the waves slowly crashed into the sand.

Well....The wedding is over. And it was fabulous by the way...but a wedding blog is soon to come. 
Anyhoo, the wedding is over so I can no longer put things off. No longer will I put off cleaning/organizing the house, thank you cards, articles, organizing the computer, finishing Red Dead Redemption, playing the guitar....

but most of all, as promised, no more putting off the Craft Blog. dun dun dun. 

So I will start it off with a super simple craft. A decoration for a beach themed home, or a summer holiday. An item that portrays a calm, collect, and relaxed mood.....

The Mason Jar Lights

Hot glue gun
Glue sticks
Mason Jars
Small candles
Long lighter

1. Locate your mason jars of choice and thoroughly clean them out. Allow the jars to completely dry. I chose to use blue jars. 
2. Unscrew the lid and set it aside. Cover the bottom of a candle with hot glue and immediately press it on the inside bottom of the jar. Hold the candle in place until it is dry. This size of candle works great, tea lights tend to not burn very well inside the mason jar. 

3. Place large and colorful shells inside the mason jar around the candles.

4. Fill in the remaining space with sand and small shells. Whether it is sand that you collected, or bought from the store, they both have the same affect. 
5.Wrap a thin wire around the neck of the jar, and add a large loop to hang it from something (a tree, the porch, etc.)
6. Light the candle with a long lighter (campfire lighter works best) and allow the wax to melt like the waves into the sand. 
And the final product (minus the large shells)

This was one of the jars at our wedding.
photo by Logan Brumm

Check in again soon for the wedding/honeymoon blog. Lots of pictures to come!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


In exactly one week from today my name will be Mrs. Kassie Stewart. Which means my initials will of course be K.A.S. How awesome is that? Wow, I can't believe it is one week until the wedding. I am so excited to officially be married and start to plan things again. Right now, and for forever its been "I'll worry about it after the wedding", "I will make the decision after the wedding" over and over again. Which is great for now! but once the wedding has happened and we have gone on our amazing Disney vacation, we will be able to make decisions and think about other important things again like....deciding where to move, and what to do with life. Yes I said it, where to move. The options are endless. 

But first, I am so excited for the first night with my 'husband' <3 Even though he is already my husband at heart.

As "the 4th" is just around the corner, my favorite holiday, and I am now FINALLY 21!, life is like a raft in the rapids; moving so quickly, yet so fun. The one night everyone waits for their whole drawn out life is over in such a short amount of time. It was a fantastic conclusion to looking forward to birthdays. 
Vegas = unbelievable 
So many exciting things happening at once.

I have also decided that I am going to kinda make my blog a crafting blog. I will do random unique crafts and designs (mostly to home decor) and blog about it.....after the wedding of course. But for real, we will see how that goes. I have taken a strong interest in the matter. 

I also think my travel bone has been re-enhanced. I am willing to go anywhere at (almost) anytime to see the beautiful world. I am pretty sure my heart would stop beating if I ever came across a place like this.....

pure beauty

Tell me about a place that you have been that was so pretty it literally took your breath away. I want to be there. In the light wind with the salt and humidity in my hair, or in a winter jacket and boots with the stillness in my breath. I want to see it all.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I'm better than a real world quest.

First off, I'd like to introduce you to me with no braces.....
Yes, after the double re-constructive jaw surgery that I have been wanting since I was ten and finally got about a year ago, AND lots and lots of work before and after it, it has finally paid off. 
Not only do I not have headaches, and no longer does my jaw click or ache in pain constantly, but my confidence level has risen from about a 30% to a 75%.  Wild eh?

On another good note, the Snoop has been MUCH much better with the potty training.
Not to mention he's huge now!

and oh so very cute (yes I am slightly obsessed with my dog)

....for something I have never ever done before...
I am going to post a little snippet of something I am writing that will be used for something someday....or not.
Probably not, but anyway....

After about 20 minutes of sitting in class and taking the exam, (the kid with the red and black converse with green shoelaces had an extra score sheet, no surprise there) I remember the missed calls and voicemails.  I immediately get so distracted I have no chance of getting anything more than a 61% on the test.  I’m sorry different types of crystallizing minerals in Arizona.  Your sweet knowledge will have to wait. I wiggle my phone out of my pocket and open it half inside my pocket, and half out like a ninja.  I’m so used to this now I hardly remember what my full key pad looks like.
.......(stuff in between here)........
 “Miss Ross I see your phone is out so you must be finished with your test, bring me your scan score sheet please.”
Shit.  Not ninja enough.

so anyway back to whats new in real life.
The 21st bday is in about a month....VEGAS!
 and the wedding is about in a month.....LOTS TO DO!
I can't stop thinking about the last episode of Breaking Bad that I watched

and random...but about ever two to three weeks or so I get re-obsessed with this video:

I kinda wish this video was my life, substituting the people for my own friends/family of course
She's hotter than reality by far....

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

teh tennis ball

If i learned anything this past weekend folks, its don't trust hotels with your credit card, and the game of tennis is like a whole other world. seriously.  a land where grass is always fresh and trimmed, skirts have built in shorts to put balls balls that is, and old leathery women kick ass.
Now it is knows that Tennis Ball is a 'rich people's' sport.  I understand why now. how on earth anyone can afford shirts and skirts that are 50 dollars a piece at least, rackets in the hunddy's and epic shoes, I have no idea. It blows my mind, but yet the items are so niceeee! Never do I ever want to sweat in any other material. tennis clothes material rapes any other material. by far.
Amy and I had our first tournament this weekend and it was quite wild. Considering we are technically 2.5 players, signed up for 3.0 knowing there would be no 2.5 section, and got put in 4.0!!! we knew we would get our hiney's handed to us, but we learned a lot and got to play a long, sweaty, sun burned match against each other. We are sore and tired and so excited to get even better at tennis to receive revenge.....Not really, but just to get better :D Well that was tennis ball time for today.
Snoop was also in the tennis ball mood.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

and so our story begins.........

In order to get myself "re-vamped" about the wedding im gonna put some of my wedding inspiring pictures up.  And now i have time to plan it because school is done (having mini silent celebration)!!! -crowd goes wild-
 so anyhoo I have some pictures here that may help me get excited! let me know what you think!!
beautiful LITTLE ranch, for a nice SMALL wedding ;)
Pretty pretty wedding cakes
mason jar lights!!!

My amazingly creative MOH who is going to be my help me make a beautiful wedding

the ultimate outdoor wedding

and of course the person who is going to make me forget about all these small and large details the whole time anyways ;)
i love jason

anyhoo. oh so very excited about being done with school. the tennis tournament next weekend, Jason getting a job at demand studios, us both having interviews for our dream job (:D) more time at home, casa grande time nearing, and of course, the snoop dogg getting a little better with the potty training *sigh*
           cutest puppy in the world

Thursday, April 1, 2010

just a tid

I got on myspace today. yes...wanted to see if it still exsisted. was simply reminded of why i do not enter that site ever anymore.  My computer just can't handle it these days.  I'm surprised its still holding on long enough to defeat facebook and lesson plans. but its a little chug-a-chug-a CHOO CHOOOO!
i was ALSO reminded of the young ladies who "enriched their lives" at a young age aka fucked up. oops.
In place of where their name is it says "my life is my daughter" or "johnny's milf" like really? babies don't sell sex...just saying. but whatev, it works for them ya figure.

good news in the land of casa grande, which is ya know...NICEEEEEE.
I am expecting my life to vastly improve in about a month (3 weeks especially), might as well add to my already amazing life <3
but the life of student teaching is almost over and I couldn't be happier.  So happy in fact, that it seems like those three weeks are eternity.
probably because they basically are.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

super rant, might as well not even read it

the orange-vanilla gloves await me tomorrow
Along with good news I am hoping.
If not, it was worth getting out of school at least. Either way, i'm excited. (plus sleeping in a bit) so cross YO fingers

On another note, I am never getting a puppy ever again. sticking to full grown adult POTTY TRAINED dogs. forever. end of story. at least until i forget how stressful of a job it really is again. I mean i dont understand it. Fully potty trained by the first few days, then all of a sudden, going in one spot just doesn't make sense anymore now does it.

I have decided i am sincerely tired of not having enough time. Not enough to do anything i enjoy.  Not even enough time to do the things i HATE but have to do. i'm tired of it. I wanna bust out the guitar, write some songs, DAAANNNCCCEEE god i want to dance so bad its eating my soul. play some vide'a games,  shoot watch a movie. but no, inclined to glue to the laptop. i WILL say though i am very thankful for the tennis ball. yes folks tennis ball. I have been getting into it quite a bit recently with my gorgeous and amazing doubles partner Amy. We have been practicing for sure, and got some skillz up our sleeves, well not hard core sleeves, but we're pretty proud. I even got some new "sticks" sssheck it out.

After Thursday it is three more weeks in hell, then just two 'observations' weeks. who knows how that will go. better than Yogurt i'm sure.
also...on a little side note, it is a little less then 3 months until the baby calikas is venti uno, yes you spanish illit's 21. that means just a little over 3 months until we get married!!!!!!!

I am SOOOO excited to get married! ah nice relaxing time with my favorite person in the whole world, and no more planning!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
anyhoo sorry, once again, for ranting. i suppose thats all my blog is. i should rename it.......rant. yep.
sempre ballare

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I just had to inform you of the newest most adorable addition to our family.
Snoop [dogg]

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Best Game of All Time

I am here to blog about the best game of all time.

Ms. Pac-Man

Yes this 1981 arcade game is my favorite game of all time, and is the best game in my opinion.
So I thought i'd just share a little of my intake from the game.

The game of quite an epic story line indeed.  You are searching and searching for something missing when you finally find...could it be...another one like me? yes good 'ol Pac Man. A few levels later you have the chase, then move on to the baby and on and on.  Constantly collecting your food as you go.

There are of course the enemies.  Blinky is the leader of the pack.  His red fire hate for you keeps him chasing you the whole entire game.  If you are near him, he will ALWAYS come your way. GNT
Pinky is the wanna be.  He wants to be Blinky SOOOOO bad.  It's honestly annoying. like be your own person.  a leader not a follower man.....
Inky. my personal favorite.  He is the most chill of the bunch (blue in color).  If you are near him, sure he'll take a stab at you, but most days he spends his time roaming from tunnel to tunnel hangin out with Sue dogg.
and about that Sue..... not the brightest crayon in the box(pale orange btw).  Everytime you get a big dot that turns their world from love to hate, she immediately turns in the opposite direction to run away. Catch her passing a big dot, run up behind her and eat the dot.  Easy kill.  On the other hand, if you get killed by Sue you should probably quit life.  Just sayin....

other random things...
random obsession with bananas
joystick screwing you over
almost making it....but not quite
namco niceeeee
the pretzel???
map repeats in different colors

If you are interested in picking this little magnificent game back up, I will give you a few tips for success in chasing dots and avoiding ghosts.
Rule number one. NEVER be greedy.  Greed is the number one killer among moderate to advanced Ms. Pac-Man players.  It is tempting I know.  I fall for it quite often, but it is NOT worth it. mind you, we only have three lives to start with. Blinky and Pinky are bound to trap you into a corner.  Use them wisely.

Rule number two. Never leave a lone ranger dot hanging out on its own.  You are bound to forget about him and rely too much on rounding a corner to finish, what you thought were, the last dots.  You see the ghost coming, but you know for a fact you will finish the dots before they get to you, so you let it slide. keep going. WHY?!?! you may ask. WTF you are thinking. Ah left a dot lonely and by his self causing the game to continue and you find yourself in a head on collision. your mistake.  Bet you will go back for him next time.

Rule number three. do not, i repeat, DO NOT find your self in a chase down a long hallway.  The ghosts ARE faster than you, and WILL gain on your quickly.  They are in fact slower at rounding corners than you are though, so that is the better option.

Rule number four. Stay away from the little white entrance of the ghosts living courters.  not safe in any situation.

Rule number five......eating the ghosts is not everything.  You get points yes, but make sure you are prepared for them to respond with the quickness. swiftly coming to take your life away.

I hope you revisit this little piece of happiness, it was probably 15% of my whole childhood, and I have been recently reunited.  I couldn't be happier : D

Sunday, February 21, 2010

If life wasn't epic enough....

It just got even more so....
We moved yet again this weekend due to slowly dying of gas poisoning in our recent location of sleeping and eating, etc.  We now live approximately 50 feet away from our last house....which made for an interesting, last second, emergency move.  Those were all adjectives for the word move btw, in case you were wondering...brushing up on them since I am to teach them tomorrow.  oh joy

On a better note, had some alone time with the fiance this weekend which was so niceeee considering we have been planning for date night for WEEKS. but because of continuing illnesses due to certain gas leaks, it kept becoming postponed.  Olivas is quite tasty I must say, but BEST PART OF THE RESTAURANT EVER is the old school mrs. pac man machine. yes, that game is what makes a Mexican restaurant a true Mexican restaurant. hands down. and Andes mints......

and if you thought the weekend couldn't get any better/wild/out of the ordinary-ish it DOES. I went dress 'shopping' today, aka my aunt brought her collection of dresses to me in the comfort of my own living room, and i ended up picking the very first dress I tried on. After I made the final decision, She GAVE me the dress. yes, gave. along with the little things that go with it. very very financially relieving.  thanks so much Aunt 'Drea!!

To sum up what is ahead of me? Lots of lesson plans, lots of second graders, lots of unpacking/organizing, little bit of wedding stuff and lots of baby Lily growing like corn in front of my eyes. (you can hear corn grow btw. google that biznitch), yahoo, bing..... all the samely known as 'google', its like saying a 'ziplock bag' meaning a small sandwich size bag of which two plastic things click together at the top sealing the bag completely.  We don't say all that, we say ziplock, even if it is not that brand. but anyhoo, yes Lily=fastest growing human being alive besides Robin Williams from the movie Jack.

anyhoo take care,C'est la vie, all we need is love. period. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

it happened again.

And the world has wisked another away. falling into the 'deps of society' and losing touch of the little things. I remember staying in my car to finish a good song, driving around the block with my friends on a school night was the best.thing.ever., a glass of sweet tea, a good dance class, remembering I have a candy bar in my purse, and many many other small things (smaller than those even) that would change my world around each and every day.  A single small things would automatically put a smile on my face while taking me into an alternate reality for the rest of the day.
You think you will always be pleased this easily.

but it begins to change.  Today a white limo was parked outside our little condos. OUR little condos in our little neighborhood. like, What On Earth?? Who i am....was...who i thought i was would have shreiked at the sight of this and thought about it for hours on end.  How cool was it that I saw a limo today, not only driving but PARKED on my road. that woulda blew my mind. But thats not what I thought.  The first thing I thought was who the HELL is parked so close to my covered spot. after this long day..... like wtf? i'm not like that am I?

I used to count things. to pass the time.  I would count telephone poles, every stair of every staircase I crossed, anything just to keep myself thinking.  Now I have to much 'real world' to think about that I cant even think about things I WANT to think about.

When did this change come on? i'm not sure. Why? also not sure. Do I hate people who ask themselves questios just to answer themselves like Kate Gosslin? yes.

In conclusion. I am not all the way gone. so maybe i'll pull back.  Like a Yankees Dodgers game in the bottom of the 9th inning 4 to 5, 2 strikes, bases loaded.