Wednesday, October 21, 2009

what about the layers?

have you ever felt as though everything you touch breaks. Like you are some giant monster (a transformer maybe :P) in a home of a human, or better yet...a little person... (corrected for eddie) and you just want to pick up something to look at it, accidentally crushing it inbetween your fingers. Dust is all that remains. Of course when this happen everyone shreiks and gets upset and you feel like the worst person in the world. Saying you're sorry, and trying to put it back together, failing....
Even to the point where you hug someone and they go "oooouuuch!" cuz their arm was in a bad position and you just tweaked it to misery. Or someone sits on a bed, so you go sit on it with them and it skweaks and sounds like its gonna die...or better yet, it collapses!!! (this has happened to me). After a while it gets so frustrating. Put on a shirt, it rips. Open a box of cereal, you rip the little part that helps you close it. Get in your car, the tire goes flat. (okay....maybe not)...

but still....these days are torture i tell you. torture. Its like living like an Ogre....well at least they have layers.

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