Monday, July 25, 2011

Photography: Trial and Error and Error....

I LOVE photography.

I love to look at it, I love to practice it, and I love following blogs with good photographers. 

But I have yet to take a class, and I feel my skills are lacking. I really want to get good at it!

You see, I love to practice on my dog (because he is so cute), but whenever we take him out to good photography spots, he gets a little too excited, and most my pictures end up like this:
or like this
(he loved chasing the birds)
Every now and then I catch an okay one
Or a goofy one
By they are few and far between

Now I have read hundreds of tips online and such, but I want to know what really works for you!
What quick and successful tips do you have for taking pictures?
(It doesn't have to be just action/dog shots, I like taking still shots too)

We did have a lot of fun at the park though :D


I celebrated my birthday not too long ago, and look at my amazing cake!

Yes, its a Mrs. Pac Man

And yes, that is an upside down stuffed Mario mushroom in the background.

It was a great 22nd birthday!

Anyhoo, have a great week and leave me your photography secrets!
 ( please ;D )

P.S. These are a couple of my favorite photography bloggers. Their blogs are not focused around photography, but they always include multiple excellent photos in each blog post all taken by them!


  1. Aw, thanks girl!!! You're too sweet.


    Happy Birthday!!

  2. Love those Snoop pics so much!

  3. LOVE the pics!! I need tips too! I want to take a class but they're all at night when I work, UGH! I think you're doing great!

  4. Doggies and kiddos are the hardest subjects to shoot. You always need lots of bribes and treats. =-) Lighting is the KEY for great portraits. Try shooting in "magic light" (the time right before the sun sets). This soft light really helps add dimension to your photos without harsh sun and shadows. Get different perspectives....Get high angles, super low angles. Give it a try! I bet you will like what you see! =-) Keep it up! Practice makes perfect.
