Saturday, April 17, 2010

and so our story begins.........

In order to get myself "re-vamped" about the wedding im gonna put some of my wedding inspiring pictures up.  And now i have time to plan it because school is done (having mini silent celebration)!!! -crowd goes wild-
 so anyhoo I have some pictures here that may help me get excited! let me know what you think!!
beautiful LITTLE ranch, for a nice SMALL wedding ;)
Pretty pretty wedding cakes
mason jar lights!!!

My amazingly creative MOH who is going to be my help me make a beautiful wedding

the ultimate outdoor wedding

and of course the person who is going to make me forget about all these small and large details the whole time anyways ;)
i love jason

anyhoo. oh so very excited about being done with school. the tennis tournament next weekend, Jason getting a job at demand studios, us both having interviews for our dream job (:D) more time at home, casa grande time nearing, and of course, the snoop dogg getting a little better with the potty training *sigh*
           cutest puppy in the world


  1. The Calikas your beautiful little wedding will be the highlight of my summer, aside from your birthday LOL. I love you and the Snoops and Jason and also the magicks that is the mason jar light. Can we make a big top again soon?

  2. awww i love you too. and so does the snoop and jay. i am oh so very excited about the mason jar lights lol. and YES we must make a big top sooooooon!
