Sunday, February 21, 2010

If life wasn't epic enough....

It just got even more so....
We moved yet again this weekend due to slowly dying of gas poisoning in our recent location of sleeping and eating, etc.  We now live approximately 50 feet away from our last house....which made for an interesting, last second, emergency move.  Those were all adjectives for the word move btw, in case you were wondering...brushing up on them since I am to teach them tomorrow.  oh joy

On a better note, had some alone time with the fiance this weekend which was so niceeee considering we have been planning for date night for WEEKS. but because of continuing illnesses due to certain gas leaks, it kept becoming postponed.  Olivas is quite tasty I must say, but BEST PART OF THE RESTAURANT EVER is the old school mrs. pac man machine. yes, that game is what makes a Mexican restaurant a true Mexican restaurant. hands down. and Andes mints......

and if you thought the weekend couldn't get any better/wild/out of the ordinary-ish it DOES. I went dress 'shopping' today, aka my aunt brought her collection of dresses to me in the comfort of my own living room, and i ended up picking the very first dress I tried on. After I made the final decision, She GAVE me the dress. yes, gave. along with the little things that go with it. very very financially relieving.  thanks so much Aunt 'Drea!!

To sum up what is ahead of me? Lots of lesson plans, lots of second graders, lots of unpacking/organizing, little bit of wedding stuff and lots of baby Lily growing like corn in front of my eyes. (you can hear corn grow btw. google that biznitch), yahoo, bing..... all the samely known as 'google', its like saying a 'ziplock bag' meaning a small sandwich size bag of which two plastic things click together at the top sealing the bag completely.  We don't say all that, we say ziplock, even if it is not that brand. but anyhoo, yes Lily=fastest growing human being alive besides Robin Williams from the movie Jack.

anyhoo take care,C'est la vie, all we need is love. period. 

1 comment:

  1. yes, the lily is a weed, a weed indeed. she doesn't often bleed, but she loves to feed and feed and need and need and grow and grow, like a weed. a weed indeed!
