Friday, September 30, 2011

Year One

No, not the movie.....

But the first year that I have been living the dream (my dream at least).

The first year I could go to the beach whenever I wanted.

The first year I could wear shorts and a tank on christmas.

The first year I actually felt like I was where I belong.

Growing up, I had all these dreams of how amazing it would be to live in SoCal. I dreamed of walking the beach on foggy mornings, meeting people who were one with the ocean, and so comfortable in their surroundings. I dreamed of rolling green hills, warm sunny days, light jackets in the crisp evenings, swaying palm trees, and much much more.

I was surprised, though, that every single one of those dreams came true.

SoCal and surpassed my expectations, which has led me to believe that I can never leave this place.

The people here are so friendly, and I feel like they really get me.

There are of course a few things I miss about Northern AZ, like monsoon season, low rent rates, and curling up by the fire.

But nothing beats waking up in the morning, and going outside to the freshest scent in the world, and dew drops all over everything. Spiderwebs glisten, and you honestly feel like you can do anything if you put your mind to it.

It has been an amazing Year One here in San Diego.

I have a great job.
Great friends.
Amazing apartment.

(off our porch)

This year flew by like you couldn't imagine.

And I can't wait for many more years here in Paradise.

Friday, September 9, 2011

When the Lights Go Out in the City....

You have FREE REIGN to raid the freezer....including ice cream. (or else it will all melt!)

The candles are lit and the windows open up, allowing you to hear the world without the hum of computers, fans, ac's, etc. etc.

The streets go haywire. No traffic lights-no rules.

No food places are open, no means to cook your own food (unless you have a grill)..and you can forget about an ice cold beer....

Dogs communicate out the window, 101 Dalmatians style.

The world becomes a dark dark place, waiting for those delayed flights.

And once your cell phone dies, you are communication-less with the world. 

And unable to listen to music. 

Last night, from about 3pm to 1am, San Diego was still in its silent, dark self. 

1.4 million people without power.

dun dun dun.

We will just blame it on AZ. :) And now i'm going to turn off the computer to "save power". ciao for now.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fall Cleaning

Well, we are soaking up the last few days of summer, and Fall is among us. 

Fall has become one of my favorite seasons, leaving me dreaming of pumpkins, colorful leaves, and cool crisp air. 

(even though, living in San Diego now means the temperature only drops from the high 80's to the mid 70's, but still)

And I have always despised "Spring Cleaning"....

Maybe its because I hate spring with its wind, and bugs, and pollen floating around. 
And does it really make sense to deep clean everything RIGHT before the season of being outside. The season where there are sure to be masses of sand, dirt, and chlorine covered bodies tracing in and out of the house?? 
Not to mention monsoon season which leaves everything muddy...

Turning our homes right back into the mess it was before the inevitable "Spring Cleaning". 

Well I wont do it. (not that I ever really did...)

AND, I'm going on a limb and trying my own thing: Fall Cleaning. 

I will wipe away the mess from that sweet, sweet, sweaty, sticky summer. Leaving the house crisp and clean for the Fall/Winter seasons, where I can curl up with some cocoa by the fire and watch the.....trees.? 

A girl can dream right?
Here, let me try to set the mood
(borrowed images)
Eh...I tried

Anyhoo, this is my Fall Cleaning List:
Scrub (and I mean SCRUB) the grill
Clean off the porch
Go through all the stacks of papers from the last year and get rid of them or file them
Clean out/stock the fridge
Get rid of the 'ol text books
Gather all the clothes that I don't wear or don't fit me, and give them to Good-Will
Wash out the iced chest
Scrub the Bathrooms
etc., etc.

My biggest goal lately is to get rid of things that are not of importance. I am so tired of having so much "stuff". 

My pack rat days are over.

Do you have any cleaning/chores you need to get done?
Maybe a haul of boxes before the snow?

So long summer. You were bitter-sweet, as always.
Until next time.