Many people measure their lives by semesters.
"Ah, i'll do it next semester"
"I can hang out more after this semester"
"I can't wait till Fall semester is over, so that I can start Spring semester and have warmer weather"
"A few more weeks left in this semester and then FREEDOM...and then we start next semester"
Of course, you only really think in these terms if you are a college student, or *sometimes* a strict high school student of some crazy sort. The rest of the world goes on living month to month, season to season. Enjoying random Tuesdays, President's day's, and other things that normal people enjoy....I wouldn't really know.
So speaking of semester, I always find myself being Mrs. Organized right before a semester starts. I have all my books ordered, my papers straightened out in a binder, my bike tuned up, and I'm ready to roll.
This of course only lasts for about a week. (excluding the weekend)
After that week: my books are out of stock at one place, and I forget to reorder them else where, papers get thrown in the car, dance bag, backpack, purse, OR (if i'm lucky) loosely in the binder, I decide to ride my bike in flip flops down the icy roads of Flagstaff causing my foot to get stuck under a pedal and break my toe which THEN leads to my bike sitting outside and the seat gets ruined/stolen, I stop reading the assigned chapters/readings. Basically all hell breaks loose, and I find myself desperately trying not to drown in the havoc, and longingly await next semester where I swear things will be different.
BUT NOT THIS SEMESTER!! This semester will go according to plan. (maybe)
And I wish you all a fabulous (end of Fall/beginning of Spring) semester as well, whether or not your organization skills are similar to mine.
And I wish you all a fabulous (end of Fall/beginning of Spring) semester as well, whether or not your organization skills are similar to mine.
Now some of you (and by some I mean the 1 1/2 people who read this blog) might be thinking "Wait?.....Didn't you just graduate, like the semester before last?" (see what I did there.... :D)
and the answer is: Yes! I did indeed graduate the semester before last, and there is yet another semester before me. For what? Only time will tell....'tis a mystery.
speaking of "tis"
'tis the season I suppose...and our tree is up! But without the star because I am unable to find an extension cord. epic fail.