And the world has wisked another away. falling into the 'deps of society' and losing touch of the little things. I remember staying in my car to finish a good song, driving around the block with my friends on a school night was the best.thing.ever., a glass of sweet tea, a good dance class, remembering I have a candy bar in my purse, and many many other small things (smaller than those even) that would change my world around each and every day. A single small things would automatically put a smile on my face while taking me into an alternate reality for the rest of the day.
You think you will always be pleased this easily.
but it begins to change. Today a white limo was parked outside our little condos. OUR little condos in our little neighborhood. like, What On Earth?? Who i am....was...who i thought i was would have shreiked at the sight of this and thought about it for hours on end. How cool was it that I saw a limo today, not only driving but PARKED on my road. that woulda blew my mind. But thats not what I thought. The first thing I thought was who the HELL is parked so close to my covered spot. after this long day..... like wtf? i'm not like that am I?
I used to count things. to pass the time. I would count telephone poles, every stair of every staircase I crossed, anything just to keep myself thinking. Now I have to much 'real world' to think about that I cant even think about things I WANT to think about.
When did this change come on? i'm not sure. Why? also not sure. Do I hate people who ask themselves questios just to answer themselves like Kate Gosslin? yes.
In conclusion. I am not all the way gone. so maybe i'll pull back. Like a Yankees Dodgers game in the bottom of the 9th inning 4 to 5, 2 strikes, bases loaded.