For starters.... I know I know. It has been a long LONG while since I've had a post.
A lot has changed in my life. For a quick update (will maybe go into details later) I am married to a great guy (Mike) and we have a beautiful 3 1/2 month old boy (Dash).
Being a first time mom, I have found that it is very...VERY hard, and I found myself constantly looking for help, opinions, or the routines of other moms online. I found that the "day in a life" blogs always interested me and made me feel better about my off the wall-no routines type of schedule.
Things have finally *barely* started to slow down and become not so spur of the moment around here, so I decided to do a little Day in a Life blog of my here it is..
A little knowledge ahead of time:
*we are restaurant industry people, so our schedules are a little weird. we get up late and stay up late (at least for now, that may change a little soon)
*I breast fed exclusively until he turned 3 months, then had to introduce some formula as I wasn't producing enough for little big eater Dash. At the time that I made this post we were about 1/2 breast milk (pumped only) and 1/2 formula.
*We are slowly increasing how much he eats at each feeding because the doctor said he needs to eat a little more
*this is a slightly more busy day than normal
*every single day is different and Dash runs the show but this is our life in a nut shell
*I am not a complete stay at home mom, I work 2-3 days a week. My husband and I do opposite shifts, and our cousin watches him one night.
A Day in a Life of a 3 Month old
Dash Mason Aparis
2 am
D goes to sleep. He decides to show off on this particular day and sleep in till 10am!! He has seriously never done this before, and sleep has been our biggest battle so far. He just recently started to not wake up every 3 hours so this blew my mind a little bit.

D wakes up, eats 3oz of formula and nurses for a little while. Try to burp him, but doesn't work (typical for this feeding)
back to sleep, or a little nap...whatever you wanna call it
Daddy time. Mike usually gets up with him a little earlier than me, and lets me sleep a little bit more. I could use this time to shower and get ready...etc. etc. but Im still exhausted, so sleep it is!
12 Noon
Time to eat! 4 1/2 oz
Diaper change and ready to get dressed (some days we spend the whole day in our diaper, but we have places to be today)
(Thank you Grami for my outfit)
Mike and I take this time to have coffee and a banana.
and also take turns playing and dancing with D, while listening to music and burning a cd
(us dancing)
We have a big day tomorrow, so we need to go shopping for a new outfit for Dash, a shirt for Daddy and shoes for Mommy.
He falls asleep in the car and is asleep most of the time
(he almost always falls asleep in the car, and will stay asleep in the stroller)
I also found this little gem too, woo!
We are back home and hungry! Dash eats a 4 1/2 oz bottle
and we have a grilled cheese!
We all eat together-ish and then Coo/play with little Dash
Diaper change and Daddy leaves for work
Dash plays on his activity mat while I sort laundry and change into work out clothes
he gets bored/fussy so we do some tummy time
He is for sure over it and screaming. I put my Moby wrap on and put him in it. He is immediately content
(Daddy's new shirt in the back)
We then head on over to start the laundry.
Laundry is a little more difficult for us because we do it all in one day, and we have to go to a laundry room to do it, but its all good :)
After starting laundry, D was quite content in the Moby, so we just walked around the house for a little bit.
We are approaching nap time so we hop in the stroller to go change the laundry and then walk around.
He is taking a while to fall asleep so we keep walking.
So lucky to live in the finest city around, sunny San Diego.
As he falls asleep, we walk past the complex workout room and there are a few people in there, so I decide to go back and pump for a bit.
Baby is still asleep, so I check the workout room again. It has cleared out so I start to jog on the treadmill. D lets me get one mile in before he is awake and super hungry.
Home and feeding baby 4 1/2 ounces
Watch MTV's Catfish while Dash plays and is happy baby
oh Max and Nev, silly boys
Diaper change and I snack on some crackers and have a mini coke :)
Dash decides to chew on my hand
We keep playing, I paint my toe nails and we have one more diaper change....a poopy one
Dash gets very sleepy so I rock him to sleep before gently placing him in the stroller to go pick up the laundry
He wakes up and chews his blanket
we go get the laundry anyway, you should see me push the stroller and pull the laundry basket behind me at the same time....good times.
D is back to sleep so I put him in his swing to nap, while I finish painting my toes and fold the laundry.
(I haven't changed his outfit all day because he never spit up or pooped on himself)
Dash wakes up and entertains himself by looking at the monkeys on his swing
He is ready to eat 41/2 ounces
Dash is grumpy and just wants to be held.
I of course jinxed it and he spits up.
Change his diaper and take off his outfit
its just diaper only time, or nakie time as we call it. He loves wearing just a diaper.
(he sleeps in a swaddle with just a diaper underneath, its too hot for an outfit, he wakes up sweaty as it is)
Dash falls asleep. I use this time to call my mom, make a frozen pizza, eat and put away the laundry
(I'm speedy fast)
Dash wakes up and eats 3 ounces
He is fussy and wants to be held we watch some recorded shows.
Daddy is home and its time for a bath!
Catch up on each others day, eat some cookies and feed dash a few more ounces.
and then we do it all over again....
he wakes up at 8:30am for a feeding again too
There are plenty more burp and diaper sessions in there but I lost track.
Hopefully you enjoyed the day in our exciting new life!! and I hope this helps ease the mind of some of you new moms out there. Keep posting your "day in a life" blogs because I will keep reading them!!
Dash Mason